Fashion Bomber of the Day: Tyshan from Toronto

tyshan from toronton
tyshan from toronto
9 tyshan from toronto
7 tyshan from toronto
8 tyshan from toronto
9 tyshan from toronto 1
6 tyshan from toronto
5 tyshan from toronto
2 tyshan from toronto

We’re featuring 2nd time Bombers and Bombshells until the New Year. It’s Friday, so our male submission comes from Toronto native Tyshan, who was first featured in March of 2011:

He writes, “I am not the guy I was 2 years ago.”

“.. a lot has changed [in terms of] my style, everything about me.”

“I am a male model from Toronto, Canada with a great sense of style.”

” I say fashion is my life because it really is…”

“… since I was born I have never loved anything else like fashion.”

” My style is effortless, simple but with bold detail, I love mixing classic pieces with urban things.”

” I really don’t have a filter when it come to the way I dress, I got an eye for great things that I feel look amazing.”

” To me, I feel fashion should be expressed with out barriers and boundaries, and I try to live like that everyday: with Freedom.”

Amen, brother! Just took a look at your first submission. Your style has evolved quite a bit! I like it.
See more of Tyshan’s style on Instagram @MrFord.
Hot! or Hmmm…?

Fashion Bomber of the Day is a feature showcasing the singular style of male Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and 5-8 picture(s) to Images submitted may be featured on Facebook or Twitter. Comments can be harsh, so bring your A game!