Fashion Bomber of the Day: Darren from New Jersey

Darren from New Jersey
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Today’s Fashion Bomber is Darren from New Jersey:

He says, “My name is Darren, but a lot of people know me as Stan.”

” I just turned 22 and I’m also a recent grad from Berkeley College with a Bachelors Degree of Science as a Fashion Major.”

” I’m an upcoming wardrobe stylist “StyledBySTAN”, trying to get indulged in the fashion industry.”

” I would say my style is “freestyle”. I choose my outfits depending on my mood or the occasion at hand.”

” I live for a nasty jumpsuit and anything long, “flowy”, and OVERSIZED!”

” I get a lot of my fashion inspiration from Solange. Most people feel like less is more, but not me.”

” More is exactly what it’s defined as…MORE! I feel that accessories can pull an entire look together. I like chunky, gaudy, and over the top GOLD jewelry.”

” When it comes to fashion, there is no comfort zone for me because I like to push the envelope and experiment with different looks and trends.”

” I can always count on FashionBombDaily to keep me up to date with all the current trends. “

I like it!
See more at @Vintageqing.
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Fashion Bomber of the Day is a feature showcasing the singular style of male Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and 5-8 picture(s) to PLEASE: no collages. No filters. Images submitted may be featured on Facebook or Twitter. Comments can be harsh, so bring your A game!