Today’s Bombshell is Tiffany from Compton, California:

She says, “As a self proclaimed “thick-choklatedip” I sometimes feel plus size women feel they need to ‘cover up’ and hide the beautiful curves they have been blessed with…well I don’t lol ;-)”

” I like to describe my style as confident, low-key and sexy.”

” I pick pieces that show the shape I am proud to have, and cant help but to embrace all animal prints (its the inner sex kitten inside me lol) and bright colors that make me feel vibrant and full of energy.

“… I feel like just because your plus sized you don’t have to wear clothes as if you were 50 years old in your 20’s and 30’s, I see that much too often and refuse to be a victim.”

” I am a single mother…so I splurge rarely. I keep my closet full of affordable pieces and thrifty finds.”

“… I do most shopping at stores like Forever 21, ASOS, thrift stores, downtown LA and LA based boutiques. So without further ado, here is a little of my style. Enjoy!!!”

Fashion Bombshell of the Day is a feature that showcases the singular style of Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and your picture(s) to th************@gm***.com.

Posted in: Uncategorized

61 thoughts on “Fashion Bombshell of the Day: Tiffany from California”

  1. She has a great sense of style. Love that she embraces her shape and has an eye for cute pieces and she knows how to rock the short dresses. My fav is the first with the black jacket and jeans. Weerk it!

  2. hmmm…some hits, some misses. I’m lovin that cute and colorful strapless dress…but the white halter dress is a no. Very beautiful girl, and her skin is FLAWLESS!

  3. I like the style of the white dress (not a big fan of the huge jewel on it though), the multi colored strapless dress, and the look with the cheeta/leopard print scarf. Her style is great and her clothes fit well without having random things bulging out and being distasteful.

  4. She’s super cute! But that white dress is a no-no. It was waaaaay too small and tight.

  5. She got a real cute face and i lik how she changes her hair up. She reminds me of my lil cuzzo esp in the blck shirt/jeans. She dresses well to b thicka than a snicka:)

    I lik ALL her pics except the leggings as pants look. My fav is the blue floral and “fireworks?” dress

  6. Cute! She has nice style, and I love that she doesn’t try to cover up or wear old folks clothes. She knows what works for her, brava!


  8. Cute girl!! Get em’ chocolate! I really like the floral dress, relaxed beach and nerdy glasses look. I think her style is on point, she gets my vote!

  9. I lost 60lbs, so I know how hard it is to try to be fashionable as a plus size. Kudos to her- she is rocking her curves and looking fabulous. Werk! I’m wishing I could find some of those dresses in my new size!

  10. I NEED that white dress!! lol She has great inspirational style and she’s pretty too.

  11. I LOVE her style, it fits her body and her skin is flawless. Very well put together.

    My only critique is that she only has one pose in every single picture (not sure if I’m the only one who notices it). I know it’s about the clothes but I’d want someone to let me know.

  12. With the exception of the white dress and black tights, I think she dresses very well for her body without compromising style. The multi-colored strapless dress, and jeans & black tee looks are my fave.

  13. I just emailed my little sister an email to your feature.

    She could use this…she wants to wear the clothes youre wearing but does not do it in a flattering way. JKudos!

  14. I’ll go ahead and be the negative nancy. Tired of seeing same thick, plus-sized, overweight (call it what you want) fashion bomb. I get it. You can be big AND stylish…but not really. Next.

  15. Love it! You better WERK, chick!! And I don’t know about y’all, but the white dress is TOUGH! I’m sure if it were a size 2 chick wearing a size 0 dress, most of you with the comments would have no qualms about how tight it is…she’s embracing the curves, and still keeping it elegant AND covered in the right places! I’m taking notes… thanks for sharing!

  16. I think overall you look great, but I think you should be mindful of your girls in the white dress a bit

  17. Pretty girl…love the hairstyles too! Overall it looks like she knows what works for her…and she’s workin it! Good feature

  18. I love her style. I have some of the same curves but never thought to try some of the stuff she is wearing. I totally need to up my confidence and try some of the cute outfits you have on!!

  19. I totally agree with @the truth. With the exception of the white dress and the tights she looks great. You can only work with clothes within your budget. She does it well. Not really my style but she looks good.

  20. not really my style either but i think she needs better foundation garments that is a good bra with better support.

  21. She definitely has some cute looks, but those first 2, the black maxi dress and that short white one…I’m not really feeling. The rest of her looks are really cute and compliments her curves well!

  22. OOOOMMMMMGGGG! You can’t tell me this girl’s look isn’t HOT! I love all the splashes of color and how her hair looks AMAZING no matter how she rocks it. That’s a sign of natural beauty and this one here’s a natural. She makes me wanna get dressed up and go for a night out on the town, just so I can put on one of those sparkly dresses. I LOVE this! I LOVE her! This is definitely a 10!! Hands down!

  23. OOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMGGGGG!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!! Beautiful, flawless, chic, sexy, and edgy! You hit the nail right on the head! PLEASE get a BLOG I’d be your 1st follower. I totally love this style it’s simply gorgeous!!!! I love all the dresses especially the BLUE one w/Yellow & White Flowers. YOU GO GUURRRRAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!! ;-)

  24. I am liking her style as she shows that being a plus size does not mean out dated fashion trends. Living in the C/bean you tend to have many problems finding outfits so I

  25. Gurrl, go ‘head with you bad self!

    This young woman right here, looks perfect in everything she wears. Not once did I think: ‘She looks like she does not like her own outfit.’ Yup, she’s werrrrking it!

  26. cute style. most of her clothes are figure flattering and the colorful strapless dress is really nice. wearing tights as pants is not cute though.

  27. I would just like to thank everybody that took the time to vote and comment on my feature. I enjoyed viewing all of yall comments and suggestions, this definitely made my day ;-)God bless-Tiffany

  28. I’ll be perhaps the second poster to keep it real: Curvy and morbidly obese are two totally separate entities so let’s stop lying to ourselves.

  29. She gives off a sexy cool vibe…definitely comfortable in her own skin. Nice feature!

  30. you go girl! All the way from Compton California! Can’t touch Miss Tiff no matter how hard you try. You are definately a Die Hard DIVA

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