Hey Hey!
Today’s Bombshell is Khali from South Carolina:

She says, ” My style changes with the seasons, my moods, and my hair!”

“I love bright colors, clean lines, and rich fabrics.”

“…My inspiration comes from my mother, who has honed me since birth to be as fabulous as her, so about 75% of my wardrobe either comes from her closet or is the “more affordable” (aka cheaper lol) version of her clothes.”

“Being born and raised in Columbia, I have often had to rely on my monthly subscriptions to fashion magazines, tv, and of course Thefashionbombdaily.com for contemporary inspiration.”

“It also doesn’t hurt that I went to THE college capital of fashion, FAMU, where women wear fierce 5-inch heels on a daily basis.”

“Overall, I’d say that I pretty much wear whatever makes me happy.”


Fashion Bombshell of the Day is a feature that showcases the singular style of Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and your picture(s) to th************@gm***.com.

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45 thoughts on “Fashion Bombshell of the Day: Khali from South Carolina”

  1. whoa! @ anonymous…i liked all her looks til we got to the last two…and the last one didnt work for me because of the shoes. But anyway. I can tell she has great style. Not too eccentric, but overall cute style!

  2. I wish their were more pics. The white blazer pic is my fav. The peach blouse/jeans is cute w/gray sandals. Overall C

    The last 2 were not the bizness. Hair, make up n fit is not workin. I say burn all the wigs n wear ur short do

    *For her skin color she can wear any shade of lipstick but the hair is a overkill

  3. I like her a lot, what a joyful face. Whatever the outcome of the votes Khali, keep that joyful demeanor, it’s a breath of fresh air.

  4. I love the look with the white blazer and the one where your sitting on the stairs. Everything else is a lil OC.

  5. I like the red jacket with the grey dress…The white blazer look is the best, but your mother is GORGEOUS

  6. Mom reminds me of the mom on Sister/Sister. I like the white blazer look. The rest are not my cup of tea.

  7. Love the looks just not the last two………………………….*side eye* at FAMU being the college capital of fashion………

  8. Cute style! And FAMU is cool but I very much doubt they are the fashion capital of colleges and universities.

  9. The white blazer and peach combo are cute (I’d like to know who makes those shoes!)…the last two outfits should have been left OUT!

    And FAMU “THE college capital of fashion”? Go to any HBCU on any given day & you’ll see three dozen girls wearing 5 inch heels around campus. Overdressed doesn’t equal fashionable.

  10. Aww my sis Khali made the fashion bombshell of the day! Go girl! The last two looks were for a photoshoot and 80s themed birthday party, so they are not her everyday looks.

  11. She has a great figure, but there are some definite misses for sure. That white dress with the green bedazzled belt was waaaaaay too tight. The cheap yellow shoes and pink flower cheapen her casual striped tunic and leggings. That red jacket with the silver dress was a no-no.

  12. I agree with @LawyerChic. Wearing 5 inch heels on a regular basis is just asking for all sort of foot problems and bunions. Some people look ridiculous with their cheap stilettos with their heels breaking off just from trying to walk to class. It’s honestly not worth it.

    With that being said, I like the one outfit with the peach shirt and I’m a fan of the necklace her mommy has on :)

  13. I can’t believe Khali made the fashionbombshell. She normally dresses really nice. I think those last 2 photos were from her 25th birthday party. It was an 80s theme.

  14. I like her style… I thought that last picture was very Jem & The Holograms… (“Truly Outrageous!!”) which is great for an 80s theme party :)

  15. Well… I love all of the looks. Khali has great style…Like stated earlier the last two looks were from a photo shoot taken for her 25th bday party, which had an 80’s theme. Stay Fabulous, Girl!!!

  16. Her style is a little all over the place but overall it’s okay. One photo is trendy/contemporary while another is party girl and the others are kinda retro. I can dig it.

  17. I was feelin the description until she called FAMU the college capital of fashion. I damn near spit water all over my laptop. Child please!

  18. The clothes weren’t really my style, but your skin is gorgeous and your mama is beautiful! :)

  19. LOVE the white blazer pic and the sheer coral shirt pic. The heels are particularly stellar!

  20. Aww! Glad to see SC representing! . I like the peach blouse ensemble but that’s about it. But your momma is SUPER FIERCE. Tell her I need that necklace! lol! Momma for Fashion Bomb of the Day, yall!

  21. GO RATTLERS! =) And she’s not lying. You want to see girls in sky high heels walking up the highest heels in the state of FL, go the campus of FAMU! SMDH makes no dang sense.

  22. She’s a cute girl, her mother is pretty, and I like all of the pictures except for the last two, but since her birthday had an 80s theme, I understand the picture with her in the yellow pumps. I could tell that the pic with the silver dress and red jacket was for a photo shoot, though. That outfit would have been “everyday friendly” sans the tights.

  23. not good but not bad either. i like the outfit with the peach shirt and the outfit with the red bag. the white and green dress was too tight. the two pics from the theme party should’ve probably been left out because she doesn’t look good in them and they aren’t really representative of her real style. the pic with her mom is nice.

  24. and i agree with lawyerchick, overdressed does not mean fashionable. it means you’re trying too hard.

  25. I was going to say she was giving 80’s vibes with some of her looks until I read the comments. But I like her, she seems really sweet, and honestly, I like her style. The cream/green dress, the peach blouse, and the white blazer are all gorgeous looks to me.

  26. uhm, this ain’t it, and at FAMU, yeah, they may wear 5 inch heels but they are raggedy heels found at Bella Donna *shots fired*

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