We’re taking a break from the DMV with Kenyatta from Berkeley, California:

She writes, “I like to think my style is simple with an edge.”

” It’s eclectic, flirty and not too serious.”

“I like mixing & matching and channeling my mood at the moment.”

” CONFIDENCE is the key component of my wardrobe!”

“See more of my looks at www.stylejunkyard.com.”

Cute! Your looks aren’t over the top, but they seem pretty cohesive. I’d love to see some of your dressed up looks, but the casual ensembles you sent in seem relaxed and California cool.
What do you think?

Fashion Bombshell of the Day is a feature showcasing the singular style of Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and 2-6 picture(s) to th************@gm***.com. Images submitted may be featured on Facebook or Twitter. Comments can be harsh, so bring your A game!

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63 thoughts on “Fashion Bombshell of the Day: Kenyatta from Berkeley”

  1. I like! Like Haute Sense said, those wedges are bomb. Her description was spot on, and I can even appreciate the spin she puts on the trends & Cali-cool. I voted bombshell.

  2. Two too many pictures with shorts, wish there was more variety. But I sense chick has a good eye for fashion. Well done!

  3. I like her. It’s real funky and chic. My fav outfit is the black and white blouse with the orange pants. Very cool style.

  4. I agree with Claire about seeing some more dressed up looks but overall she’s got style and edge….I love it!!!!!

  5. her shoe game is pretty decent in a few pics, and third look was cute. Not feeling any of her looks with the shorts. I think she’s okay.

  6. I likely dressing up is not everyone’s forte Claire. We aren’t all attending fab events like you just saying.

  7. mmmm yes! I thoroughly enjoyed breezing through her blog! I luv these looks. very girly and not boring. two thumbs up to you girl. I will be frequently visiting your blog! oh and you get even more points for being fly mother too! (like me)

  8. Cute young lady, with cute style! Would have liked to have seen at least one formal outfit…

  9. By the looks of her shoe game she is probably a big jeffery campbell fan. He loves to make those big crazy chunky sandals and boots. Her style isn’t bad, but I’m just not feeling it. The only thing that sticks out is a couple pair of her shoes.

  10. Fun and comfy looking. I like her style. I’m a firm believers that the Bombshells will have a different style, and there is not one SET look for labeling someone a bombshell!

    I’m all about dressing for your mood, and for fun!

  11. oi oi!!! that red is FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIYA!!!!!! she looks BOMB! I don’t like short shorts….they look tack to me…other than that, werk that red mama!

  12. I really like the first outfit. She’s got some lovely shoes, a great collection for only a few photos. Will def checkout her blog

  13. She is all about the red pant. I do think she is well put together. You know I too have a post featuring beauty although featured gals will receive a $50 gift card to Nordstrom to assist with there next fashion piece. Todays post features tredhe most recent winner. todays

  14. Even though she is wearing shorts in some pics………….she is very stylish & classy.
    Love her.

  15. LMAO on the comment, ” taking a break from the DMV”…….oh lawd.
    The DMV needs to redeem itself.

  16. Nice.

    I personally hate shorts with tights/nylons whatever, but all the other looks were great!

  17. I like her. She’s a risk taker so her looks come off as fun and fresh. Like the red pant with the black and white striped shirt the best.

  18. Not all womens legs are built for shorts. if you got some jelly, you may want to stick to jeans. She’s pretty though!

  19. I actually love her looks but not on her. Her looks have a young feel to it and by young I mean high school going into college young. Secondly, the clothes aren’t doing her body justice. The shorts and uncomfortable looking pants make her look stumpy and thick in a not so flattering way which is a shame because her body seems banging. Basically I like her pieces but on someone else

  20. I like the red pants outfit. Not feeling the shorts…she looks sloppy to me. HOWEVER she is a beautiful girl.

  21. lol… anything will look good if you’re a pretty girl with a perfect body. Honestly, I’ve always felt that your body is your #1 fashion accessory, use it well…

  22. Sick bod and skin, awesome fashion! Just love gorgeous black women who know how to be sexy while remaining classy go sis!

  23. YAAAAAAAS! Hunn-ty we have the same style.. She’s serving REALNESS on a styled plate!

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