Hey guys!
Hope you had a restful weekend. By this time Danielle and I will have finished taping a super fun campaign–more details to come!
In the meantime, we present our Bombshell of the Day, Judith from LA:

She says, “My style is unpredictable.”

“…I pretty much dress up according to my mood!”

“I try to think out of the box every now and again and just have fun with it.”

“It is fashion after all however I try not to be too over-the-top with it, so it doesn’t come off as forced.”

Judith blogs! Check her out at www.diths-haute-spot.blogspot.com,

What do you think of today’s Bombshell?

Fashion Bombshell of the Day is a feature showcasing the singular style and flair of Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and your Fashion Bombshell of the Day Picture(s) to th************@gm***.com.

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31 thoughts on “Fashion Bombshell of the Day : Judith from LA”

  1. “I pretty much dress up according to my mood”—-

    isnt this what all mail bombs say?

    Im sorry but Im just not feeling it. Give me more people’s style like “Bleed for fashion” blogger…..

  2. I second that LexAve, she seems so scattered, there’s way to much going on with her style. There are some cute pieces but they do not flow together cohesively to make a fabulous look.
    …that is all…

  3. idk i feel like she is trying to hard….like she just one day decide to send photos in and went all over the place so she could look unique..but if she likes it thats all that matters

  4. She gets points for versatility, but these looks are not well put together. I like the ivory bow dress and the pic with the funky sunglasses the best. Everything else gets a big ol’ hmmm.

  5. i like her… i just dont think that her clothes have alot of polish to them…like some of the blazers and ill fitting…idk..i’m just a little unsure about this… but she def has confidence for days…kudos!!!

  6. The first four pictures in a square are really cute, but the rest does look like she’s trying hard despite stating that she’s not.

  7. Wow her choice in clothes is all over the place. Everything seemed okay until I got to that photo of her in the blue caplet and tight pants. If I can see the outline of your kitty, then your pants are too damn tight! Other than that, I’m really not sure what else to say. She’s not giving off an overall vibe or a signature style.

  8. Not feeling her at all. Not bashing just didn’t feel it.

    I’m still fawning over Ms. BLEEDFORFASHION. I STAY on her blog now. Bananas. GIMME MORE!!

  9. not my cup of tea. and the extreme camel toe in the tights just seems a little vulgar.

    i agree with brooklyn lady, i’d love to see more fashion bombs on te caliber of i bleed for fashion.

  10. wow. she looks diff in every single photo. I can see how that’s off putting to some people, like how can you be an individual when you can change so completely so often?

  11. Wow! Thanks for the comments Anna Wintours.
    Lmfao! y’all are quite harsh!

    Well if u read my blog, you will notice most of d pictures I sent it where from a wittle self imposed contest I put on myself, where I got inspirations from several people to create a look. Which is why I appear “all over d place”

    It’s all in good fun anyway so no offense taken :)

    But I hope u all have sent in your pictures as well! Don’t just be an anonymous behind a computer critic now.

    Show people like me who are clueless abt fashion, what fashion is really all about since you know.
    I’m itching to see your pictures.



  12. Wow! Thanks for the comments Anna Wintours.
    Lmfao! y’all are quite harsh!

    Well if u read my blog, you will notice most of d pictures I sent it where from a wittle self imposed contest I put on myself, where I got inspirations from several people to create a look. Which is why I appear “all over d place”

    It’s all in good fun anyway so no offense taken :)

    But I hope u all have sent in your pictures as well! Don’t just be an anonymous behind a computer critic now.

    Show people like me who are clueless abt fashion, what fashion is really all about since you know.
    I’m itching to see your pictures.


  13. @dith- you DO know that you opened yourself up for public scrutiny by submitting your pics to fashion bomb, right? it literally asks people what they think about your style. you don’t exactly sound like you took “no offense”. im sure you knew the format, so why get mad when YOU asked for their critiques?

  14. can i ask why many of the fashion bombers who are giving critiques that aren’t to their liking… always come off as defensive and brash in their responses? i mean, maybe i’m missing something here but… if you put yourself up here, you obviously know you’re going to be critiqued so why the attitude once you actually get the responses? all the vitriol is unnecessary. if you can’t take being critiqued… don’t send in your pics. it’s just that simple. *smh*

  15. I’m sorry, but you can tell she’s from the south. It’s cute, but sometimes all types of wrong.The blue overcoat with the camel toe is just wayyyyyyyyy too much. It looks cheap and forced. Oh, she’s from L.A., I take it all back. At least you know your style needs work. Good luck girl. i love the afro pic!

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