Today’s Bombshell is Columbus, Ohio native, Alexia!
Alexia from Columbus
She writes, “I would describe my style as Feminine…”
1 Alexia from Columbus
“… Timeless…”

00 Alexia from Columbus
“… and Chic.”

7 Alexia from Columbus

” I like to wear local and independent designers and brands.”

000 Alexia from Columbus
” I recently had a baby (3 months) and as I work on getting my life and body back in order I try to maintain my style and confidence.”

000 90 Alexia from Columbus
” Thank you for your consideration.”

Work! I love your rompers and that all blue look.
See more at and on the ‘Gram @Lexyia.
What do you think?

What do you think of Alexia from Columbus? free polls

Fashion Bombshell of the Day is a feature showcasing the singular style of Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and 6-8 clear, unfiltered, head-to-toe pictures of 5-10 different outfits (no collages) to th************@gm***.com. Images submitted will be featured on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any of our social media platforms. Comments can be harsh, so bring your A game! Please be advised: once published, pictures will not be removed or taken down.

Posted in: Uncategorized

19 thoughts on “Fashion Bombshell of the Day: Alexia from Columbus”

  1. I am from Columbus, Ohio (the 614) and let me tell you they are not the most fashion forward. Unfortunately this submission holds true to that sentiment.

    I didn’t like any of the looks or the hairstyles…

    I do give her kudos for the different lip colors that she pulled off.

  2. Congrats on the baby… unsure about the looks submitted… I don’t see timeless, I see trendy. Some of the looks are nice, I like that the fit of her clothing is great…

  3. You just had a baby. I looked on your ring finger and saw no wedding ring. Hope you are not a baby mama. Without a husband. Anyway you are a pretty girl.

  4. that lace closure in the blue dress picture is a no bueno…I’m surprised no one else mentioned it but shes really cute and she has a long way to go! I applaud you for your confidence

  5. I apologize for @Hello ignorant judgmental comment who is such a simpleton that she thinks a wedding ring is the ultimate sign of your relationship status and apparently wants to be all up in your business.

    I would try longer/midi lengths fitted skirts. They would slim you down, define your shape, and not cut you off mid thigh like the romper does.

    I liked the Lucite bracelets with the blue dress.

  6. @Hello – I am a married mother 2 including a 4 month old and I don’t wear my ring. I stopped wearing before I gave birth because it’s not just a woman’s abdomen that expands during pregnancy. Joints including fingers often stay swollen or pudgy for months after giving birth. Wearing my ring is painful. Your comment wreaks of ignorance and judgement.

    Now back to the fashion. I think timeless is not the best description especially with the jersey dress.

  7. Well you guys can be pissed off all you want I don’t care. Once she is not a baby mama she has my respect. If she is a baby mama then it’s back to the same old statistics. I can see the baby mama’s are pissed

  8. At the random person hiding behind the pc…you can look me up @gbusto_films…she ain’t no baby momma so you can go somewhere with that…it’s bigot assholes…like you is reason we can’t advance as a society…so do everyone a favor and fuck up

  9. At the random person hiding behind the pc…you can look me up @gbusto_films…she ain’t no baby momma so you can go somewhere with that…it’s bigot assholes…like you is reason we can’t advance as a society

  10. Well she definitely has her own sense of style Not quite a bombshell though and I think she looks pretty good for just having a baby

  11. @hello please STFU.. we are not here to judge her lifestyle dummy.. -signed 2kidsANDmarriedbish

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