Today we have Monique from Cleveland, Ohio!
monique from cleveland
She says, “ I am a 20 year old fashion stylist from Cleveland, Ohio.”
3 Monique from Cleveland
” I currently reside in Chicago, Illinois.”

1 Monique from Cleveland
” I would describe my style as evolving.”

7 Monique from Cleveland

” As I mature, so does my style.”

5 Monique from Cleveland
“I’ve always stayed true to different prints and colors.”

090 Monique from Cleveland
” I love mixing vintage with modern looks.”

Monique from Cleveland
” My inspirations are June Ambrose and street style.”
0  Monique from Cleveland

Save the filters, I’m a fan! Loving your mixed print ensemble.
See more of her looks on Instagram @mscstyle_.
What do you think?

Fashion Bombshell of the Day is a feature showcasing the singular style of Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and 6-8 clear, unfiltered, head-to-toe pictures of 6-8 different outfits to th************@gm***.com. Images submitted will be featured on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any of our social media platforms. Comments can be harsh, so bring your A game! Please be advised: once published, pictures will not be removed or taken down.

Posted in: Uncategorized

27 thoughts on “Fashion Bombshell of the Day: Monique from Cleveland”

  1. The last pic killed it for me. from the pose to lipstick. it looks more photoshop, like the lipstick was painted on, like scribled on. everything is okay. I think her style will evolve soon. I can see it.

  2. Okay let’s start with the good? You are beautiful and you have a great figure! The not so good? Be more cohesive cuz your style is all over the place. I love that you play with print but the trick with print is knowing how mix. Once you got that down then you could add texure and accessories. You got a lot more evolving to do in the fashion department girl! Oh another thing idk if you have on a full weave or not but fix it…don’t buy pricey hair if you don’t know how to put it in properly!

  3. I WANT to like it, but it doesn’t come off as genuine. It’s as though she’s seen someone else wear these outfits and instead of drawing inspiration, she copied the entire look. I could be wrong though! The outfits themselves are really nice, but the clothes are definitely wearing her when it should be the other way around. I don’t have any fashion advice other than just RELAX. Don’t force fashion, if you consider yourself fashionable let it come to you! (I hope someone understands what I’m saying lol!)

  4. One more thing, just cuz it’s thrifted don’t mean it’s vintage…vintage shit can cost you $$$. Ok bye y’all

  5. Since when is everyone a stylist?. I would love to know the clients of some of these bombshells. No shade but an honest question.

  6. ^^ I was thinking the exact same thing. I swear everyone is a “fashion stylist/MUA and/or both” nowadays. Please make it stop.

  7. Pics 1 & 5 were her best looks: feminine, age-appropiate, and overall just cute. I like the shoes in those pics too, the platform heel took away from the other looks (for me). I think that once her style evolves it will be phenomenal, but as of now it comes across as a young girl discovering thrift. Which is not a problem we all start somewhere!! When I first started thrifting I looked like a Macklemore groupie but now I know how to incorporate it in my look a tad better ( I am still no pro tho)

  8. This is a modern day Shakespeare tragedy; especially with the last pic. Everything is off. Im not gonna even address the out of line photoshopped lipstick. EVOLUTION is the key word.

  9. I agree with you ladies @Stephane @Mel, everyone claims to be a stylist, MUA or Model.

  10. She’s pretty, but the fashion doesn’t do it for me. As stated before in a previous post, can we please receive a definition for the title “stylist”. I’m confused as to how SO many people state their occupation as stylist and such, and they themselves don’t truly seem to embody the whole “stylist aura”. I AM NOT EXTENDING ANY FORM OF SHADE OR HATE TO ANYONE PAST OR PRESENT. I truly am just really curious to know. On another note, bombshells to me just exude a certain style, confidence and sexiness that’s recognizable even in photos. Some submissions are o_0 and some are just amazing! (ie: the werk place) I commend all the women who submit their photos however. I hope the critiques here help these young brothers and sisters perfect their vision. We can be harsh here sometimes, but honestly, there’s always something learned from every response regardless of how it’s expressed.

  11. Claire please request unfiltered pics. Im a stylist/mua/model is the new im an actor/rapper. I bet these women natural hair would look better than these not so cute weaves.

  12. @Frankie J, I’m crying! Shakespeare tragedy though? But yeah, I’m not sure what the definitive criteria are for a stylist or if anyone can claim to be one. But I give her an A for effort. I think she will definitely evolve in style.

  13. pretty girl, i like your makeup and most hair looks but thats about it.

    sidenote: i think 90% of the people claiming to be stylists or models etc are “aspiring” and should add that word before professing to be something they’ve never gotten paid to do.

  14. Hey…. Im feeling the individuality of her style.
    She looks comfortable, I could digg it.

  15. The first look and the one with the white blazer are definitely the most put together looks. I appreciate her being daring, but some of the looks need to be a little more refined. Overall stylish though.

  16. We’re all providing subjective opinions of course but I would rethink the hair and shoes. The great news is that you’re very pretty and very young.

  17. Why does it seem like all of the fashionbmbs in America all dress the same?…& its like everyone is a “stylist” anyways she looks like a typical “instagram model”

  18. I am loving the 6th look. The rest really isnt my thing but fashion is subjective. I say keep doin you boo! You will definitely get noticed(with all those prints and patterns) if nothing else.LOL

  19. i feel like she goes to Columbia College Chicago. i feel like i seen her before…. and i feel like i’ve seen this “look” all over columbia college before. like @coco said, she looks like a young girl who just discovered thrift shopping, but unfortunately a lot of girls on campus look like that! lol and if she doesn’t go to columbia i feel like she knows someone or associates herself with someone who does lol.

    but anywho (i digress) just like anyone else, i feel like her style has room for growth. i voted okay style because she has all the elements, but she just didn’t execute them properly. and i SOOO agree with @moneboo there is something that can be learned from the critiques, and if you are a true fashionista, stylist (or whatever) you will take the feedback to better your craft/look.

  20. Who does she style? Not to be rude, but there aren’t any people to really style in Cleveland! To better and further your career and aspirations, i’d sugest moving elsewhere!

  21. thumbs me down but I think her style was cute! she’s only 20yrs of age as she grows so will her style!

  22. Maybe all the “stylists” are trying to speak it into existence…I can dig it. Many of her pieces do seem to be thrifted. Everything thrifted is not necessarily “vintage”. Pretty girl, but the fashion leaves a bit to be desired.

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