Happy Friday Bombers and Bombshells!
Tomorrow we’ll be waving goodbye to a very good year, and saying hello to 2012.
2011 was amazing for The Fashion Bomb with magazine shoots, the evolution of Fashion Bomb TV, and international fashion weeks.
The sky’s the limit for 2012

…but before I get into my goals for the future, let’s see how I did with last year’s resoutions!

1. Wear more accessories

Last year I pledged to curb my conservative tendencies and pile on the jewelry. I proceeded to do it up with stacked bling bangles, Melody Ehsani baubles, and more.

2. Out with the old, in with the new.

I’ve been working diligently in 2011 to make sure my closet doesn’t overflow with unneeded items. In addition to being very generous with my sisters and mom, I’ve also practiced putting things I probably can’t wear again on Ebay. After being snapped dozens of times in the Parker dress above, to Ebay it went! It hurt my heart, but a well-edited closet is a great closet.

3. Attend more international fashion weeks.

In addition to attending two seasons of shows in New York, London, Paris, and Milan, I also hit up Jamaica Style Week.

4. Bring Back Fashion Bomb TV

With the help of the fabulous Dondy Desir of DsEyezProductions, we’ve been able to revive Fashion Bomb TV with exclusive interviews and quality editing.

For 2012, I’d love to:
1. Attend even more fashion weeks.

This year was full and exhausting with all my country hopping, but I’d still love to see what other countries and continents have to offer. I’m set to fly off to Dubai in February and will hopefully be able to swing by Japan and Nigeria this year. Let’s get it!
2. Take more fashion risks.

Yes, I’m a far cry from my cable knit J. Crew days, but I’m also far from edgy. In 2012, I pledge to push myself outside of my comfort zone, focusing on prints and textures.

3. Do more TV.

You may not know this, but a long, long time ago I had dreams of doing TV. In college I completed internships at PBS and ABC, and was a page at NBC for a short time before my first full time magazine job (yes, I was like Kenneth from 30 Rock. Yes, we’re both from Stone Mountain, Georgia). At any rate, the Fashion Bomb has opened up so many opportunities to do on air stuff. I have a long ways to go, but I’d love to continue to bring the Fashion Bomb to life on the small screen.

4. Launch a lifestyle site.

There’s more to life than fashion! In 2012, stay tuned for a Fashion Bomb offshoot that will cover everything from food to travel and art. Of course we’ll keep fashion in the mix.

And as this year ends, I want to THANK YOU for your support. 2011 has been AMAZING! From features in Essence to Ebony, Covergirl campaigns, talking fashion on BET, and meeting fabulous people, this year has been the BOMB.

I couldn’t do it without Fashion Bomb contributors Jihan, Faith, and Danielle, graphics designer Ashley, and webmaster Zillz. Much love to Fashion Bomb photographer Marta and videographer Dondy. And a BIG OLD HUG to Fashion Bomb readers. You make blogging a true joy and your comments, e-mails, and support inspire and motivate me.
Let’s keep the party going in 2012.
What are your New Year’s Resolutions?

35 thoughts on “Claire’s 2012 Fashion Resolutions”

  1. Claire,
    Best wishes to you in the new year! You mentioned that you sell on ebay and it looks like we’re about the same size…what’s your seller name/ebay store? I would die for some of your pieces :)

  2. Claire! Please keep up the great work. Your site really is the BOMB! I love everything you have to offer for us black women. You continue to keep my style & fashion mind inspired. I will be coming along with you in the new year.

    My New Year’s Style Resolutions is to broaden my style horizons. Find new places to shop here in Philly as well as go out of the city and state and find places. I want to motivate myself to make a few pieces & just stay true to how I get dressed which is by my mood & weather. I want to step out of the box a little bit and see where I can take my style to. Maybe even send some pics in for a Fashion Bombshell post as well.

  3. Yes Claire! Do it up! I love seeing your site grow and I love how you make high fashion real and fun. I wish you all the success your heart desires.

  4. Good luck Claire ! I love this site and thank you for letting me make the header for FBD. Seeing my work on top of the page every day makes me smile. You are definitely a inspiration to so many young women out here.

  5. I’ve always thought your style is a bit safe, predictable and boring. Looking forward to seeing some new styles! Sounds great. Oh, and when it comes to accessories: less is more.

  6. You really impressed me. You stepped out of your comfort zone and began to ditch the all black attire and started showing more leg. It was a welcome change and quite refreshing.

  7. Hi Claire, great year for you and hopefully many many more…looking forward to the lifestyle site – and how did I miss the post with the colorful dress??? Where is it, I need the deets?

  8. Good luck to you and all your future endeavors!! Since finding your blog earlier this year, I have really enjoyed the progression it and you have made. Like you, I would also like to step further out of my style comfort zone and make my look more edgy. Maybe we will both accomplish it in 2012.

    2. We are still waiting for that workout regimine ( those legs are to die for).
    3. Be Blessed and happy New Years

  10. I didn’t know you were from Stone Mtn! Thank you for being such a positive and stylish presence in the blogosphere. As a daily reader I’ve been watching The Fashion Bomb evolve for the past few years and I’m so happy to see my favorite fashion blog progress while maintaining a connection with readers. Much Love

  11. Hey Hey!
    @Sandra my seller name is thefashionbomb on EBay. I’ll put a link or widget to my EBay ‘store’ as I add more items.
    @Tricia no, as we mentioned in this post:
    Vuitton had to curb his duties as he’s applying to fashion school in London.
    @Bella Thanks for the header! I have a new project for you, you ready? Look out for an e-mail.
    @ Everone else Muah, muah, muah! Many thanks, much love. x

  12. Claire I have to say that the fashion bomb is by far one of the best fashion blogs that I have ever visited….I look forward to logging on everyday and seeing the new updates…I must say that I am looking forward to seeing what the fashion bomb has to offer in 2012 and as for my resolution 2012 will be the year of adventure for me so I’m looking forward to the new year :)

  13. wishing you the best! we need more colored faces on television! get on Fashion Police! Nobody on that show is better than you….well maybe George but that is bc he is a stylist. Pitch yourself! They need color on there that is not from a bottle or a booth.

  14. I love the way claire shows that you dont have to be skinny to be fashionable.i wear a 13-14 in jeans,sometimes im discouraged to be fashionable becuz it so hard to find clothes that fit perfectly.she inspires me to work what u got.and not stop being a fashion diva.

  15. Thanks for being my go-to fashion blog. I love that you are “black like me” with dreads, curvy! someone i can relate to. thx for all you do!

  16. Awesome, Awesome, Awesome! You’re very inspiring! Wishing you continued success and overflowing blessings! All the Best!

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