Hot! or Hmm…: Kelly Rowland’s Alvin Ailey Opening Night Benefit Gala Akris Natural White Wool Double Face Suit with a White Embroidery Blouse

2 Kelly Rowland's Akris Natural White Wool Double Face Suit with a White Embroidery Blouse
Kelly Rowland's Akris Natural White Wool Double Face Suit with a White Embroidery Blouse
Kelly Rowland's Alvin Ailey Opening Night Benefit Gala Akris Natural White Wool Double Face Suit with a White Embroidery Blouse

Kelly Rowland attended the Alvin Ailey Opening Night Benefit Gala in a Natural White Wool Double Face Suit with a White Embroidery Blouse:

Red lips were poppin!

See a similar Fall 2015 suit on the runway.

Hot! She looks angelic!
What do you think?

Hot! or Hmm…: Kelly Rowland’s Alvin Ailey Opening Night Benefit Gala Akris Natural White Wool Double Face Suit with a White Embroidery Blouse free polls

Kelly Rowland's Akris Natural White Wool Double Face Suit with a White Embroidery Blouse

2 Kelly Rowland's Akris Natural White Wool Double Face Suit with a White Embroidery Blouse