Claire’s Life: The 2015 BET Awards in a Custom Pink LaQuan Smith Lace Dress

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Happy Monday, Guys!
The 2015 BET Awards weekend ended with the actual show, and I was blessed to be in the building! These past few days have been absolutely amazing–I love connecting with the people we write about, getting to know more about them, and hearing how much they love what we do! At any rate, I covered the red carpet for the BET Awards, and tasked myself with asking everyone who they were wearing. For the occasion, I wore custom LaQuan Smith!

It’s important to me to support black up and coming designers, especially at the BET Awards. And I honestly love LaQuan’s work!

I accessorized with Sisoo Jewelry earrings and bronze Jimmy Choo pumps.

I didn’t grab too many selfies this time. Between getting video and wrangling with Snapchat, I couldn’t think of doing a third thing (and I just heard about Periscope? Lord help me!). Though I did show some leg with Mila J after the show (she was wearing Michael Costello).

And I was sitting behind Marlo Hampton inside. We snapchatted a little;) At any rate, she’s down to do a Closet Confessions video with us. I’m down!

I’m gonna blog just a bit more, then head to the airport. Next weekend is Essence Music Festival, and after that: REST.
Until then, thoughts on my choice for the awards show?

Images: Robin Lori/Mark Martin