Fashion Bomber of the Day: Malusi from South Africa

Malusi from South Africa
09 Malusi from South Africa
8 Malusi from South Africa
7 Malusi from South Africa
6 Malusi from South Africa
2 Malusi from South Africa

Friday’s Fashion Bomber du Jour is Malusi from Durban, South Africa:

He writes, “I would describe my style as more of a dapper gentleman, although you will see me step out of my comfort zone and try different things and wild colors.”

” I’m not the tie or bow tie wearing type, but my fiancé manages to make try what she loves and thinks would suit me.”

” My style continues to evolve as I grow, I don’t expect my future son to sag his pants because I don’t do that.”

” My fiancé (Michelle) actually sent her pictures in as well, we have a blog named and we are revamping the look.”

” I was never a fan of pictures but when a woman comes into your life there’s a lot that changes, I’m now a picture lover so there will be more of me for the fellas out there.”

“Thank you.”

Cool! I love your description and your international aesthetic.
See more pix of Malusi and his Fiancé at

Fashion Bomber of the Day is a feature showcasing the singular style of male Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and 5-8 picture(s) to PLEASE: no collages. No filters. Images submitted may be featured on Facebook or Twitter. Comments can be harsh, so bring your A game!