Fashion Bombshell of the Day: Nikki from North Carolina

7 Nikki from North Carolina

Ok, ok. You guys haven’t been impressed with this week’s Bombshells. Perhaps Nikki from North Carolina can pass your chic test?

She types, “I am submitting my photos to possibly, wishfully, hopefully be featured as bombshell of the day.”

0 Nikki from North Carolina
10 Nikki from North Carolina
1 Nikki from North Carolina
11  Nikki from North Carolina
090 Nikki from North Carolina
4 Nikki from North Carolina
6 Nikki from North Carolina

” I have been an avid reader of your blog for some time now and greatly respect it.”

I would describe my style as ever changing.”

” If you take a glance back through my lookbook on chictopia (@fattygirl218) you can see how my style has evolved and changed BUT still fits me as a person.”

” I get inspiration from a plethora of sources, whether it be fellow bloggers, fashion magazines, or celebrities I ALWAYS change it up to fit my Gemini personality.”

” For example you may find that my neon tank and tribal print skirt looks familiar… well I got the inspiration from one of your “what to wear” columns. I, however opted for a longer skirt.”

” I tend to stick to basic colors…”

“…but this season has me stepping out of my comfort zone and experimenting with colors and pattern mixing.”

99 Nikki from North Carolina

” I can be found at my blog, instagram @fattygirl218, or chictopia @fattygirl218. Ciao! “

I like it! Your looks are polished and chic, with a fun twist.
Do you agree?

Fashion Bombshell of the Day is a feature showcasing the singular style of Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and 6-8 clear, unfiltered, head-to-toe pictures to Images submitted may be featured on Facebook or Twitter. Comments can be harsh, so bring your A game! .