Fashion Bombshell of the Day: Lynette from Newark

Today we’re taking things back to the East Coast from Lynette from Newark, New Jersey!

She says, “I am that girl who loves to mix and match mass market fashion, high end designer and vintage pieces together to create the perfect harmony.”

“My style is VERSATILE.”

” I tend to dress how the wind blows or based on my mood.”

” I love fashion that requires little commitment because it leaves room for creative expression. At the end of the day, that’s what fashion and style is all about. “

Hot! I love your varied looks!
See more on Instagram @Lynette_Lashawn.
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Fashion Bombshell of the Day is a feature showcasing the singular style of Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and 5-10 clear, unfiltered, head-to-toe pictures of 5-10 different outfits (no collages) to Images submitted will be featured on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any of our social media platforms. Comments can be harsh, so bring your A game! Please be advised: once published, pictures will not be removed or taken down.