Fashion Bombshell of the Day: Shayla from Oakland

Today we’re featuring Headbanger Accessories creative director Shayla from Oakland, California as our Bombshell of the Day:

She says, “ I would say [my style is] Modern Vintage Chic.”

“… I never go with the trends I just BANG in what I want.”

” Fashion for me is a feeling .”

” Sometimes I wanna wear my stilettos, sometimes I wanna rock my sneakers, sometimes I wanna lay back in my beenie slightly hanging off the back of my head, it’s just how I’m feeling. And whatever I wear, I feel sexy.”

” I lovvvvee thrift shopping just because you never see the same thing twice and it’s a rush for me. I have a storage full of clothes that I’m going to eventually turn into a store, but I must say I’m pretty attached to my vintage jackets.”

” I admire Grace Jones for her edge, Alexander McQueen for his risk, Chanel for her class and sophistication. But I just like to create my own and be an influencer.”

“I like to ” Rock to my own beat , but never off beat.””

” I’m the one on the outside of the box not creating my own space. My expression through my fashion, hair, tattoos is what makes me happy, what’s makes it easy for me to breathe.”

” As Creative Director for Headbanger Accessories my fashion sense allows me to always bring new and innovative ideas to the table. I always say ” I go in with a BANG , Come out with a BANG , Stand still with a BANG …. I’m just that….BANG “”

I love it all! Just wish some of the pix were a little clearer. If you like, follow Shayla @ShaylaBang1 on Instagram, and check out her accessories at

Fashion Bombshell of the Day is a feature showcasing the singular style of Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and 6-8 picture(s) to Images submitted may be featured on Facebook or Twitter. Comments can be harsh, so bring your A game!