Today’s Fashion Bombshell is the fabulous Brooke from London:
She writes, “My style is very London underground: cool, fresh, young, and urban.”
“I shop mostly at American Apparel, Selfridges, and Topshop.“
“I tried to show you guys me dressed up/down in my everyday life”
“[I’m just a teenager], so my style is still evolving ;)”
” My elder sister who follows your blog religiously convinced me to try out for Fashion Bombshell..”
” I hope you guys feature me & enjoy it..”
“Please check out and follow my personal blog www.jadoreminx.tumblr.com.”
” Thank you!!! xx”
No, thank you! I enjoy your use of color. And you’ve got much swag for such a young buck! Work it!
What do you think?
Fashion Bombshell of the Day is a feature showcasing the singular style of Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and 2-6 picture(s) to thefashionbomb@gmail.com. Images submitted may be featured on Facebook or Twitter. Comments can be harsh, so bring your A game!