Fashion Bomber of the Day: Dameion from Florida

Since a few Bombshells have had a chance to showcase their style for a second time around, it’s only right the Bombers have their time as well! Though Dameion from Florida was not nominated for our Bomber of the Year contest (which goes down tomorrow), he did want us to see a few updated looks:

He says, “If you ask me to describe my style I would say “Insanely Eclectic” :)”

“…It’s really an anything goes type of feel. I just wear what makes me happy and confident. I’m sure it’s misinterpreted but that’s OK as long as I love it. Own it. And LIVE IN IT. Then I will take that risk.”

“… I’m constantly pushing the envelope for men’s fashion. I try to knock myself out of a box everyday. I don’t label myself…I’m just me!”

“… It would be an honor to be featured for a second time around because I love this blog and how it promotes many
sides of urban fashionistas and fashionistos.”

“For the new year I promised myself I would start my own blog so look out for that soon! Much love to you and the Fashion Bomb team.”

Um, I love it. Be bold, Dameion, and don’t ever lose your spirit!
See Dameion’s first entry here and follow him on twitter @D_ICON. Reminisce on all our past Bombers and Bombshells here. And stay tuned for our Bombshell and Bomber of the year contests tomorrow!
Until then, what do you think of Dameion’s new looks?

Fashion Bomber of the Day is a feature showcasing the singular style of male Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and 2-6 picture(s) to Images submitted may be featured on Facebook or Twitter. Comments can be harsh, so bring your A game!