Hey Guys!
For Friday, I thought I’d represent with a Male Fashion Bomber, Joshua from Las Vegas:
He says, “When thinking about my style, I call it FIST (Futuristic, Ivy/Prep, Street, and Trendsetter). Each outfit I wear embodies one of those styles.”
“…For black men it seems there are so many rules we have to abide by to be considered fashionable or considered a man…but the key to my style is to forget those rules even exist.”

“Sometimes I hear laughs and comments, but for me ignorance and hating on my style only inspires me to dress up even more.”

“Not only does my style depict the way I like to dress, but the way I live. Through continuously not caring what others say, I’m currently working on taking that message to the community with my own foundation that will empower and inspire youth to do their utmost best in education, in exuding their individualistic style, and in accomplishing their goals.”

“Thank you for the opportunity to share my style. For more insight, visit my blog: www.freshjesusfreak.blogspot.com“

Hey Joshua! Love your style and your swagger. Your look is one-of-a-kind, and I applaud your confidence!
You definitely know how to switch it up, and go from a tweed jacket and cut offs to a gold windbreaker with a bow tie.
What do you think of today’s Fashion Bomber?
Fashion Bomber of the Day is a feature that showcases the singular style of Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and your picture(s) to thefashionbomb@gmail.com.