Young modeling superstars Chanel Iman and Jourdan Dunn grace the cover of Teen Vogue’s latest issue:

Inside, the pretty young things talk about their outstanding careers, their sometimes contentious relationship, and the daily issues they deal with being one of a handful of minority models.
About their supposed feud, the Chanel states, “I could sit here and tell you, ‘I love Jourdan! We’ve always been the best of friends!'” she says. “But we haven’t. Until recently, we barely even spoke. We went from being super close in the beginning,” she says, “to dead silence if we saw each other backstage at a show.” Not even a hello? “If we did say hi, it was hi, and that’s it.”
Jourdan adds, “It’s competition…There aren’t a lot of us, but instead of sticking together, we’re pitted against each other. People will say things in Chanel’s ear like, ‘Jourdan is taking your spot,’ and then they’ll say to me, ‘Don’t trust Chanel.’“
It seems that the article is definitely more than a fluff piece–it discusses the issue of diversity in fashion, which is still a relevant and persistent problem.
Read more about two of our fave models here.