A lot of us have hashtagged #BlackLivesMatter to show our solidarity with the movement, and also express our anger and frustration at the untimely and unfortunate deaths of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and more.
But in addition to uploading a picture or statement on social media, what can we do?

1. Donate to Philando Castile’s Family
There is a Go Fund Me account raising money for Philando Castile’s family, including his girlfriend and her daughter. They have already exceeded the $100,000 goal, but there’s always more to give. Contribute here.

2. Donate to Alton Sterling’s Family
The Awkward Black Girl aka Issa Rae started a Go Fund Me Accountfor Alton Sterling’s loved ones. Pledge your support here.
3. Go out and March
If you’re feeling powerless and helpless, let your voice be heard! Visit BlackLivesMatter.com to find dates and times for marches in your town.
That’s all for now, but I welcome and thoughts. What can we do?
And if you need even more tips, visit here for a few suggestions.