Beauty Crush Wednesdays #BCW: Winnie Harlow

Winnie Harlow was just one of the many gorgeous women of color spotlighted in Beyonce’s “Lemonade” visual film. However, this Bombshell is not just standing in the background, but invariably, changing the face of fashion. We couldn’t help but plunge right in on learning about Winnie Harlow and what exactly makes this model our Beauty Crush this Wednesday.
Beauty-Crush-Wednesday-Winnie-Harlow-6Beauty-Crush-Wednesday-Winnie-Harlow-5The 21-year-old Canadian model has built a prosperous career, after being discovered on Youtube in 2013. Despite her vitiligo skin condition, Harlow has gone on to create a dedicated fan base that feeds off of her body and self-confidence, rocking the skin that she’s in!Beauty-Crush-Wednesday-Winnie-Harlow-4A regular fixture on the fashion circuit, Winnie Harlow not only has over one million followers on Instagram, but is also the face of Spanish fashion label Desigual, constantly on the cover of fashion publications, and is slowly but surely becoming a modern day ‘it’ girl.


Not only has Harlow challenged the idea of what is considered “beautiful” in the fashion industry, but she frequently voices the need for diversity and inclusion so that other young men and women have role models and see people who reflect them.Beauty-Crush-Wednesday-Winnie-Harlow-3

Beauty-Crush-Wednesday-Winnie-Harlow-2No matter what opponents may come her way, Winnie Harlow is a beautiful soul inside and out for her fearlessness and dedication to being different, embracing her differences and pledging to be at the forefront of the fashion business in spite of what society may say.


This act of self-beauty and perseverance is EXACTLY why Winnie Harlow is our Beauty Crush Wednesday! Is she yours?