Kim Kardashian is always thinking of something new, isn’t she? Her latest endeavor is Kimoji merchandise—including iPhone 6 cases and wrapping paper boasting her hit emojis:

Four cases in total are available: one featuring the word “lit”, another with her infamous crying face, and two that are a little less appropriate with a collage of posteriors and “Send Nudes” candy hearts. They each come in at $28.

There’s also wrapping paper! “Bae”, the aforementioned weeping visage, engagement rings, and a slew of behinds are amongst the offerings. Quite old school of her to release wrapping paper, but this will certainly elicit a few laughs from anyone who loves Kimmy. And a couple of the designs are quite cute, no? Each will set you back $35.

Will you be investing in the latest Kimoji merch?