Cool Online Find: Cinch Leggings by Slim Girl Shapewear

leggings by Slim Girl Shapewear  claire sulmers fashion bomb daily
claire sulmers fashion bomb daily 4 leggings by Slim Girl Shapewear
leggings by Slim Girl Shapewear  claire sulmers fashion bomb daily

Yesterday, I decompressed post New York Fashion Week with a walk in Prospect Park. I kept my look sporty in a cropped hoodie and cinch leggings by Slim Girl Shapewear:

I normally don’t like wearing constrictive garments, but these leggings smooth out your belly, lift your butt, and make you sweat!
They felt so good, they gave me the confidence to try out a few of my old cheerleading moves.

But seriously these leggings are the bomb, and look great for the gym, walks, or any sort of athletic activity.
How do they look?

Purchase a pair of your own at and