Fashion Bomber of the Day: Roeman from New Jersey

Roeman from New Jersey
8 Roeman from New Jersey
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3 Roeman from New Jersey

Third time’s a charm for some Bombers! Roeman from NJ has been featured twice before, but assures us he has more style in store:

He writes, “ I was featured on your blog twice in the Fashion Bomb Daily section and I thank you for that! As anything that you work on through time it grows and that’s what has happened with my style.”

” I love the opulence of what Glam offers as well as the rough feeling grunge brings so I incorporate a little of both elements in my outfits.”

” I make a lot of my clothing because I know what I want to wear.”

” I’m versatile I can go from Timberlands one day to sky scraping platform boots the next day lol.”

” As a designer with a “disability” I hope that those who see me are inspired by my courage to fully express who I am, and not allow society’s mores to dictate what you should do.”

More here:

2 Roeman from New Jersey

1 Roeman from New Jersey

Hot! I always love your looks.
See more at and on the ‘Gram @ForeignManikin. Visit Roeman’s first entry here.

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Fashion Bomber of the Day is a feature showcasing the singular style of male Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and 5-8 picture(s) to PLEASE: no collages. No filters. Images submitted may be featured on Facebook or Twitter. Comments can be harsh, so bring your A game!