Claire’s Life: Oprah’s the Life You Want Tour

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oprah the life you want tour newark new jersey fashion bomb daily christian siriano
oprah the life you want tour newark new jersey fashion bomb daily

Happy Monday!
So last Friday, I was over the moon excited to go see Oprah speak at her ‘Life You Want Tour’ with Toyota.

The 2 day event provided loads of inspiration and motivation, with talks by Iyanla Vanzant, Elizabeth Gilbert, and Lady O herself.

On Day 1, Mother Oprah took to the stage in a stunning Christian Siriano purple gown, and dished out a ton of advice. I took a few notes:

*The way to success and a happy, fulfilled life is to honor your spirit and your purpose.
*We are responsible for the energy we put out in this space. Whatever you put out is automatically on its way back to you.
*You are the master of your fate, and the captain of your soul.
*Excellence is the best deterrent to racism. Therefore, be excellent. Excellence is the best deterrent to sexism. Therefore, be excellent.
*Set a new way of being for yourself. Every day you wake up is a chance to begin anew.
*Be willing to be obedient to your life’s calling, whatever that may be.
oprah life you want tour biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams

At any rate, I left feeling tremendously uplifted!
I wanted to go for a ‘lady boss’ look to go see my career idol, so slipped on a Preen by Thornton Breggazi hot pink suit (I wore the blazer here) with a Variazoni dress worn as a top.

0  oprah the life you want tour newark new jersey fashion bomb daily

My infamous Louboutins and Topshop earrings completed the look.

claire sulmers preen by thornton bregazzi oprah the life you want tour newark new jersey blogger

At any rate, the event is a must attend! See when Oprah and co are coming to a town near you at

oprah the life you want tour newark fashion bomb daily

Have you attended in your town? What did you think?
*Thanks to Alexis from Toyota!
Image: Karl Pierre