Today’s Bombshell is e-boutique owner Renita from Detroit:
She says, ” I think my style comes from my confidence.”
“… Growing up, I never had any confidence issues but I also never tried to stand out in a crowd. I was fine with just an “ok” appearance and being social with those around me.”
” Fast forward to college, I began to test what was out there to offer to plus size women & try to make it my own. I embraced my curves & started to flaunt them. I always liked to focus on one part of my body at a time, making sure I wasn’t doing “too much”.”
” If my cleavage was out, then my legs were probably covered or the dress was a little longer. Or if I showed my legs, I’d wear a higher cut top.”
” A year ago, I relaunched my online boutique for curvy women and I’ve kept the same philosophy.”
” When I get dressed its a fun process and I reuse a lot of my pieces because a lot of them are staples. Right now, I’m into fitted hats, a pop of a bright color, bodycons, camo, and making my accessories or makeup apart of the entire look. I’m not afraid to mix a few patterns or textures because I think that’s what can set you apart from the next person.”
Work that camo jacket! That might be my favorite look.
If you’d like to see more, visit Renita’s e-store at Infinitestyleonline.com.
What do you think of today’s submission?
Fashion Bombshell of the Day is a feature showcasing the singular style of Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and 6-8 clear, head-to-toe pictures to thefashionbomb@gmail.com. Images submitted may be featured on Facebook or Twitter. Comments can be harsh, so bring your A game!