Here’s How Fashion Brands Can Leverage the Power of Digital Marketing

The world of fashion is a dynamic one and was one of the first to brace e-commerce.  Today, a good fraction of fashion purchases happen over the internet, making it the ideal place to showcase your brand and its products. 

Irrespective of whether you are a local boutique or a well-established fashion brand, there is a lot of scope of digital marketing for you. Here we shall talk about ways in which you can leverage the power of digital marketing for your fashion brand.

Have an Official Website

The first step to keeping up with the changing shopping habits of fashion consumers is to have an official website. These days, a lot of people prefer shopping online, and selling your products on your website will give a major boost to your sales.

Even if you are not ready to jump into the e-commerce bandwagon, it is always good to have a website where you showcase your products. This will allow you to catch the attention of casual browsers who prefer to check out things online before making an offline fashion purchase.

Make the Most of Social Media

Social media is a visual medium, and it is here that most people show off their fashion and lifestyle choices. The fear-of-missing-out is very prominent in social media, and as a fashion brand, you can capitalize on that. Use platforms like Instagram to showcase your latest product launches.

By integrating your brand’s business pages on Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook with your store, you allow a person who is casually browsing through your social media page to instantly purchase a product that catches their eye. Such initiatives will play an instrumental role in boosting the sales of your organization.

Look for Collaborations with an Influencer

One of the most efficient video marketing tips for fashion brands with a social media presence is to initiate collaborations with influencers. For example, you can have an industry renowned celebrity wear clothing or don an accessory of your brand and talk about the same for a few seconds. This will increase your reach and encourage followers of the influencer to make a purchase from you. Know more about video marketing.

Introduce Chatbots to Your Team

One needs to realize that these days technology is progressing at a rapid pace and fashion brands that adapt to it faster stand at an advantage. By introducing chatbots to your team,  you can ensure 24 X 7 customer service at minimal investment. A chatbot can guide a potential customer through the process of choosing an item and making a purchase. 

Customers can be assisted in tracking their orders or offered recommendations based on their purchase by a chatbot. Most fashion enthusiasts enjoy this type of one-on-one service, making them more likely to choose your brand if you have a chatbot on your website.

Do Not Compromise on Visual Quality

Aesthetic beauty is the key for most fashion brands, and to do justice to this, you need to ensure that there is no compromise to the quality of the images or videos that you upload. Having a pixelated or blurred image of a product makes a potential customer have second thoughts about their purchase.

As much as possible, try to record in HD or 4K video of your product or take multiple high-resolution images of it from multiple angles. That way, potential customers will be able to picturise the product and decide whether it will suit them or not.

Organize Contests to Boost Engagement

A virtual contest is an efficient way of catching the attention of potential customers. Ideally, you can arrange for such contests or giveaways prior to the launch of a new product. 

Participants can be encouraged to spread the word in social media and sign up for your e-mail newsletter. That way, you get easy access to valuable consumer data, which will be useful later. Moreover, by giving away free products, you earn the trust of your target group, making them more likely to purchase from you.

Have a Mobile Presence

Most video editing software allows you the provision of creating videos that are designated for mobile viewing. Considering that fashion customers prefer to check out the latest trends on their smartphones, it is a wise decision for a brand to customize their videos for mobile viewing. Shoot your promotional, informative, or other videos in portrait mode as far as possible to ensure maximum engagement. In addition to mobile-friendly videos, you can also incorporate SMS marketing into the mix. By using an SMS sender, you’ll be able to send thousands of text messages anywhere in the world in order to reach your entire customer base. This way, you’ll boost your mobile presence while improving your customer experience.

Personalize the Shopping Experience

People like to be addressed by their names and are more like to purchase from someone who is aware of their taste. To leverage this human tendency, you can use a tool to monitor their online behavior and segregate them into groups based on their shopping choice.

That way, when you have a new item or a discount on an existing item from the things they like, you can send out personalized emails. Such acts will lay the foundation for a relationship of trust, making them your loyal customers.

Make the Most of User-Generated Content

Fashion consumers like to show off their purchases on social media, and you can use this tendency to your benefit. Encourage your customers to tag you in posts where they don your products. With their permission, share the posts from your business social media page. That way, you have access to several promotional content pieces without investing any effort into their creation.

Moreover, when you share customer’s posts, people keep coming back to your brand page to look for their mention (or that of their friends), and this increases your brand visibility. You can take things a notch further and request satisfied customers to provide you with video testimonials on the quality of your products. Considering that an average fashion-conscious individual is more likely to listen to a peer recommending a brand as compared to a brand boasting of itself, this might be a major game-changer in your marketing plan.

With these tips, your fashion brand can look to expand its business and reach out to more people. We hope that by now, you have decided to join the digital bandwagon and give flight to all your