There’s nothing more frustrating than starting a new diet and experiencing the same challenges and setbacks. You may have bought a whole new range of ingredients for your food, some new small Tupperware for meal prep or a snacking diet or you may simply have been excited to see the results of a diet that you’re sure will work this time. The truth is that the best-laid plans can unravel if you still have bad habits. Here’s what to look out for to ensure your daily habits are not deterring your weight log efforts.
Alcohol is often a significant challenge to your weight loss plans. A casual happy hour or drinks with dinner can pack on more calories that you’d expect. It’s important to understand how alcohol and weight loss are linked. Some diets may recommend completely eliminating alcohol while others allow it in moderation. Either way, the key is to be informed to make smart choices that work for your life.
Not Balancing Exercise & Actual Calories Needed
Exercise can result in many more benefits than getting your heart rate up. It’s an important part of most weight loss program and can help you increase your energy levels and feel better. However, people can sabotage their weight loss efforts after working out with their diet choices. Although you’ll be burning more calories and you will likely feel hungrier this can encourage you to eat more, and sometimes overeat. Pay attention to what and when you’re eating. Just because you’re working out it doesn’t mean you can eat whatever you want. As you workout more, keep in mind that muscle is heavier than fat, so just because the number on the scale is going up, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
Smoking is famously an appetite killer, but it comes as a cost that can never be worth it. Unfortunately, the results of quitting smoking – or even cutting down – is that you feel like you have a hole in your belly that you need to fill with food. Nicotine craving is not dissimilar from the sensation of a hungry belly. Don’t give in to these urges, and understand it’s just the nicotine craving, which will pass. After three weeks, the nicotine stops acting on your body, and you’ll be able to continue your diet without cravings.
Inactivity is quite a common part of our everyday lives: after stressful days at work, we’re often tempted to continue sitting on our bums on the couch watching television before heading off to bed. Unfortunately, being completely sedentary is also psychologically related to eating or snacking, and can even lead to a bad posture. The advice here isn’t to cancel all your leisure time, but it is to bear in mind that too much time spent inactive will not do your health any good. Next time you have a stressful day try going on a walk around the park, run, or even a yoga class to get moving and destress.
Use these tips to ensure that the next time you start a diet, you’re aware of all the habits which can make or break your success.