The Bomb Life: Popping into Tootsies in Dallas with Mahisha Dellinger, J. Bolin, Kim Alexander + Get Your Tickets to CWC Houston!

FBD may be down temporarily, but the Bomb Life must go on! We are still having Convos with Claire in Houston on June 23rd (get your tickets here), and just like with D.C., we are following our special guests around for a Day in the Life to help you learn more about them before the event! Mahisha Dellinger from Curls is one of our esteemed panelists, so I went down to her residence in Dallas for an afternoon of fashion and fun.

Mahisha Dellinger is a FORCE. As the CEO of Curls, she has created a multi million dollar hair empire with products stocked in CVS, Target, Walgreens, and more. Though Mahisha grew up in poverty, she managed to catapult herself to the forefront of an extremely competitive industry thanks to grit, vision, courage, and innovation. She uses her platform to empower other women by example and through mentorship.

Though she simply invited me to take a peek into her life with a day of shopping at Tootsies with her fabulous friends, including Kim Alexander, Yodit Tewolde, Crystal Wimbrey, and Fifi Perry, I left feeling so inspired. These are black women killing it . In addition to having bomb businesses, they also have families (Mahisha is a wife and mother of four), and are stylish and chic to boot. As I watched them sip champagne and try on looks from Attico, Pat Bo, Rachel Zoe, and more, all I could think was “#Goals.” Though I have accomplished a good bit up until this point, these women are next level, and I left feeling inspired and motivated to push for more.

These are the type of women you will meet at Convos with Claire! Hope to see you at our next one on June 23rd in Houston. Get your tickets here.
Love & Light,

*Fabulous Dallas based stylist J. Bolin stopped by to say hi! He and I talked about bringing CWC to Dallas again. I’m down! Are you?

** I went from the airport to boiling hot Dallas (it was 98 degrees), so I wore Norma Kamali shorts, a Zara tank, and a duster from Kyna Collection. I wore flats in the airport, but switched to Louboutin sandals. I felt hot and sweaty (I went straight from the airport to Tootsies), but hey! This is the Bomb Life!
***Tootsies is a must stop if you’re ever in Dallas!

Visit their website here to get a view of what they have in store.