Over on TheBombLife.com, I share instances from my life, but also give my thoughts on Current Events. Read an excerpt below, and more here.
It’s an interesting time in our history. With the election of President Donald Trump, it seems all gloves are off. Seemingly any strides we made regarding Civil Rights and equality with President Barack Obama has given way to open racism and disrespect, particularly of black women.
Yesterday, I read with dismay at how Bill O’Reilly said he couldn’t hear U.S. Representative for California Maxine Waters comments because, “I was looking at her James Brown wig.”
At a White House press conference on March 28th, Sean Spicer asked American Urban Radio Networks reporter April Ryan to “stop shaking her head,“ after she asked a question and felt she didn’t get an adequate response.
These two occurences kicked off a #BlackWomenatWork hashtag, where several black women outlined instances on the job where they were treated in unprofessional, immature, and inappropriate ways because of false perceptions about their skin color.

The result? Black women are getting the hell out of corporate America! They’re not getting a seat the table, so they’re making their own table.
It’s what I had to do as a Harvard Grad (with honors) with aspirations to work in fashion journalism.
Read more here and leave your thoughts below.
*Bonus: Read some of the best #BlackWomenatWork tweets in the Gallery above.
**And a note from Maxine Waters: