Black Girl Magic Continues: The Moshoodat Beauty Series Will Leave You Speechless

What began as a quest for inspiration, resulted in a beautiful collection of jaw-dropping, flawless imagery.  Moshoodat, a makeup artist from Brooklyn, NY collaborated with Joey Rosado, infamously know on social media as islandboiphotography, to create a stunning gallery that mixes the richest melanin complexions with bright, bold colors.  The self-titled series, “Moshoodat,” is beyond magical.



The series began with a single photo of Moshoodat and gradually grew into a collection of 6 beautiful, unique models. “Each and every model in the series brought something the table… like their energies, love and compassion fed me! And most of all I wanted to show women of color how magical, strong, talented, beautiful and gorgeous we are! I want we, as black women to be put on a pedestal the same way we look at The Kardashians,” she stated.

Although the project is named after her, Moshoodat credits her photographer for a lot of her inspiration. “Joey is a huge inspiration. I was definitely on the verge of quitting makeup because I wasn’t really creatively satisfied and was kinda over it but he convinced me to just try out the ideas I always wanted to do.” she said.
Perhaps the most talked about  image in the series is Erica, a breast cancer survivor, who confidently exposed her scars for the shoot. Appropriately marketed during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, her image embodies the beauty, strength and resilience of today’s woman.

Moshoodat is the perfect example of what happens when you challenge yourself after lacking inspiration.  Black Girl Magic in running rampant throughout these images!  Visit our gallery to see the entire series.

XOXO – Marsha B.