Bomb Blogger: Kayla Stamboul of Kaylista

Happy Tuesday everyone!

So, true story: I go downstairs to take off and run the streets for a little bit, and (to my surprise) I’m greeted by a flat tire on my car. Uggghhh! So, after mumbling under my breath for a little bit, I finally called Roadside Assistance and proceeded to move on with my day. That’s life for ya, right?! Gotta keep moving!

But, despite the unexpected circumstances, I’m absolutely thrilled to bring you guys another installment of our Bomb Blogger feature. So, join me as we indulge in the flawless musings of Kayla Stamboul of Kaylista!





In Kayla’s ‘About me’ section on her blog, the brilliant fashionista writes:

Fashion has always been something that has been close to my heart, to be totally cliché ‘fashion is my passion’. I come from a design background. I successfully completed my qualifications in fashion design in 2013 from Lisof Design & Retail Academy.

I created this blog as a platform to showcase my take on fashion; what fashion means to me not only through clothing but through lifestyle features as well. That being said, my vision is to create content that is informative and a source of inspiration to women around the world. My goal is to inspire, educate and create – one post at a time.





I came across this bombshell as I sifted through the Fly Fashion Doll IG account and (at first) it was her impeccable photography that rendered me speechless. Then, I took a detour to her personal page and I was instantly overcome with tons of wonder and excitement.

This Bomb Blogger is a master of playing with neutral hues and she’s even better at channeling different feels throughout her ‘fits. It’s so dope that she’s able to convey a new and fresh feel through the use of her wardrobe. From feminine to edgy to prim & proper, Kayla is #GOALS.





Slay on, hun!

Want to know more about Kayla of Kaylista? Well, feel free to check out her blog here or follow her on the ‘Gram at @kayla_stam!


Signing Out — Esmesha