Fashion Bomber of the Day: Xavier from Virginia

xavier from virginia
3 Xavier from Virginia Beach
7 Xavier from Virginia Beach
1 Xavier from Virginia Beach
4 Xavier from Virginia Beach
Xavier from Virginia Beach
6 Xavier from Virginia Beach
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Today we have a 2nd time Bomber I know you’ll enjoy! Take a look at Xavier from Virginia Beach:

He says, “I’ve been following you for quite sometime and I noticed that sometimes you re-bomb some of your previous bombshells so I thought I’d try my luck by showing you some improvements I’ve made.”

“Since the last time you posted me I seen some of the feedback left and I re-evaluated some of the things I put together.”

” I wanted to keep my love for color a priority but lately I have become an advocate for solids.”

” Some people are afraid to wear “season oriented” clothing such as blazers and jackets in off seasons but that doesn’t bother me any. I am still a blazer, cardigan, and sweater connoisseur.”

“I have also fallen in love with fedora, bucket, and box hats because they really can accentuate an outfit and help make or break it no matter how big or small.”

“Solid color outfits have become my right hand. Anytime I can’t decide on what colors to put together I will simply “go solid”. People have done this with black & white hundreds of times but I made it a bit louder…”

“Last but not least I have a confession. I used to talk so much TRASH about sandals lol…however, they have become one of my most prized possessions. I am walking proof that anything is worth a try because you just might like it!”

Woop! All I can say is “Yasssssss!” Boom! You’re a Bomber.
See Xavier’s first submission here and follow him on Instagram @izave.

Fashion Bomber of the Day is a feature showcasing the singular style of male Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and 5-8 picture(s) to PLEASE: no collages. No filters. Images submitted may be featured on Facebook or Twitter. Comments can be harsh, so bring your A game!