Fashion Bomber of the Day: Joseph from London

joey from london
Joseph from London
1 Joseph from London
2 Joseph from London
3 Joseph from London

Today’s Fashion Bomber is Joseph from North London:

The 18-year-old kept his style description short (as men tend to do).

He wrote, “My style is sometimes crazy…”

“… sometimes calm…”

“… always cool!”

See more here:

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3 joseph from london joeyfromlondon

joseph from london joeyfromlondon

I love it all–wish we could’ve seen more!
If you’re intrigued, follow Joseph on his blog and on Instagram @JoeyLondonStyle.

Fashion Bomber of the Day is a feature showcasing the singular style of male Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and 5-8 picture(s) to PLEASE: no collages. No filters. Images submitted may be featured on Facebook or Twitter. Comments can be harsh, so bring your A game!