I decided we’d have a bit of Friday fun with both a Bomber and a Bombshell. Today’s lucky lad is Antioné from Richmond, Virginia:
The self proclaimed President of the ‘Passion for Fashion Club‘ writes, “I’m an obsessed twentie something fashion student who is heavily influenced by Kanye West (brother in my head) lol.”
” I am also obsessed with Riccardo Tisci (who is the lead designer for Givenchy) and the brilliant Tom Ford.”

“My style I would say is genderless. A year ago my style was very androgynous, and my style now is more ubernite meets concrete jungle walker.”
“It’s more refined in a way.”
” In general I’m a simple dude, so I don’t like a lot of pieces that are fussy.”
“I wear things that I feel good in, and to me that is what fashion is all about.”

“I believe that style should be gender less, everyone wants to stay in a box, and that to me becomes a bit boring and contrived.”

“You can find me blogging my heart away over at Kidfashion85.tumblr.com. And I also launched my very own YouTube channel: antionematisse, related to all things fashion.”
I’ll have to check you out! I see you have a thing for cheetah print. I’m not mad, my brother!
What do you think of Antioné from Richmond?
Fashion Bomber of the Day is a feature showcasing the singular style of male Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and 5-8 picture(s) to thefashionbomb@gmail.com. Images submitted may be featured on Facebook or Twitter. Comments can be harsh, so bring your A game!