Friday Video: Every Little Step by Bobby Brown

OK, I have a confession to make: When I was a young bombshell I had a major crush on Bobby Brown.

One of my first TAPES (yes cassette tapes) was Bobby Brown’s 1988 album Don’t Be Cruel:


YES. This was before the show Being Bobby Brown of course, when Bobby was still young, fresh, and fine! Here’s a video to reflect on those days when he was still the real prince of R&B.

Note: This clip is taken from a VHS tape all about Bobby Brown that I owned as well called His Prerogative! I probably still have it. Oh lord…

A few observations from his interview and video:

*Do you hear that Boston accent? Swooooon…

*You know he was straight lying when he said he was a homebody!!! And that he liked to read….

*Remember when the running man was the hottest dance?

*And the slanted fade was the hottest haircut?

*Um, who else knew the choreography to this? Oh, just me..?

*When in the world was it ok for grown men to wear spandex shorts with suspenders and a wife beater?

I won’t even post a Being Bobby Brown clip to see how things have changed. Let’s just revel in this vintage BB classic.
