Fashion Bombshell of the Day: Lesang from Johannesburg!

What a perfect way to start of a Monday Bombshells and Bombers! Today’s Bombshell of the day is Lesang @lesang_komane from Johannesburg! Check her out below.

Lesang writes, ” I love all things beautiful! Style is not necessarily what you wear but style is personality, your personality is shown through how you present yourself, style is a soul thing, it cannot be learnt or acquired, it’s innate!”

My style is diverse and adaptable, it’s elegant, smart, a touch of sexiness, simple but chic and a touch of modern tradition,” she states.

We love your style! Thank you so much for letting us experience your style of elegant, smart, and a touch of sexiness ! To see more of Lesang chic and a touch of modern traditional style,go check out her Instagram @lesang_komane .

Fashion Bombshell and Bomber of the Day is a feature that showcases the style and flair of Fashion Bomb readers. Please send 5-10 clear, head-to-toe pictures along with your name, city, and a description of your style. Please keep file size low. Please do not submit pictures in collages or tagged with watermarks, website urls, or text. We do not accept modeling pictures, beauty shots, or anything mildly pornographic. You must be at least 18-years-old to participate. By submitting, pictures become property of The Fashion Bomb, LLC, and may be used on Twitter, Facebook, and Promotional Materials. Please note that submitting does not make the site obligated to review or write about your style, it will be under our discretion whether or not we publish or take down your pictures.