Last night Fashion Bomb Daily correspondent Najaah Cooper attended the First Annual BOLD Talk: A Female Empowerment Panel. The panelist included: Ezinne Kwubiri- Head of Inclusion at H&M, Sophie Khan – Founder of AURate, Iyore N. Olaye- Lead Product Manager at Walker & Company, and Nikki Ogunniake- Style Director at The panel was moderated by Chole Mela, Entertainment Reporter at CNN and the ladies discussed the hurdles of entering and navigating through their professional careers as women and women of color. The ladies touched on Inclusion and Diversity in the workplace, being the only woman in the room, and juggling careers & motherhood. Each of the panelists gave some insight into what their “work-life balance” consists of, and what it means to “have it all”. This was truly an empowering panel of diverse women; not only through ethnic background but most importantly through diverse experiences. The panel took place at the Soho House’s Vinyl Room which set the tone for an engaged and intimate setting.