Fashion Bomb News: CFDA Names CaSandra Diggs as The First Black President

Following the resurgence of protests surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement, the Council of Fashion Designers of America announced new initiatives to promote diversity and equality early in June. New pushes were to include in-house employment for Black creatives and mentorship programs for Black students and graduates. Today, the CFDA named CaSandra Diggs as its new President, making her the first woman and the first Black person to hold the position since the company’s founding in 1962.

Joining the company in 2001, CaSandra Diggs was promoted from her role as Chief Administrative and Financial Officer. Steven Kolb, CFDA’s CEO, describes Diggs in a press release regarding the promotion, “CaSandra is an innovative thinker with a strong understanding of organizational and business operations. Expanding her role will provide the CFDA with more opportunity to meet the needs of the membership in a broad and diverse way. It is a critical time for our industry, and she is the right person with the right ideas to help lead CFDA into the future.

CaSandra Diggs also shared her thoughts on the recent promotion stating, “CFDA remains a vital pillar of the fashion community. I am delighted to join Tom Ford and Steven Kolb as we continue to advance and evolve the CFDA into a modern, forward thinking organization that is reflection of our times.

Talk about Black excellence! What are you thoughts on this Fashion Bomb News?