Fashion News: Forbes Cites Prada Backed Company as Streaming the First 3D Virtual Fashion Show, Neglecting to Acknowledge Hanifa Pink Label Congo + Later Updates

A few days ago, a Forbes magazine report credited Prada backed company BigThinx in collaboration with Fashinnovation as the first company to live stream a 3D virtual fashion show. While the fashion event, scheduled for June 5th, will feature digitized models and clothes, the article neglected to mention or acknowledge the 3D Fashion show streamed by Bomb brand Hanifa.

On May 22nd Anifa Mvuemba a Congolese woman from Baltimore, Maryland live streamed a 3D virtual fashion show that showcased her collection #PinkLabelCongo (read our report here). The fashion creative planned the groundbreaking digital show before the corona virus pandemic.

A spokesperson for Hanifa says, “Hanifa has no comments at this time other than focusing on how Hanifa will continue to support our community.” They also stated “for those who are asking-“we are working with an amazing lawyer to protect the brand legally.”

What are your thoughts ?

*A few hours after this post published, Forbes updated their article to include Hanifa’s show:

It’s a new day, Bombers and Bombshells. Designers of color will no longer quietly be written out of the discourse.

What do you think?