Fashion Bomb Daily’s Claire Sulmers in Forbes Magazine

Forbes magazine writer Danielle D. Hughes interviewed our creator and founder Claire Sulmers for an article entitled, “From Ivy League to Impeccable Influence: Claire Sulmers is Living “The Bomb Life.

She writes, “

Claire Sulmers writes her own rules.

After graduating from Harvard with a dual degree in French and African-American studies, she decided to leave her ivy league past and pursue her passion for fashion. Thus, FashionBombDaily was born. Sulmers launched the blog in 2006 after becoming fed up with the lack of diverse opportunities offered to her in pursuit of following her dream of becoming a full-time fashion writer.

As Editor-in-Chief of the rapidly growing multi-cultural fashion blog with a current following of 1.3 million and readership of close to 2.4 million, Sulmers is now looking to expand on not only the influence of her massive brand – but on her own as well.

We got a chance to chat about the art behind selling influence, the importance of highlighting designers of color and why growing an organic following is essential to a powerful brand.”


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