I’m pleased to announce the winner of the Curel Hydra Therapy Giveaway!

Cindy from Tennessee submitted her story to us a few weeks ago in the comment section, writing, “Claire, you have just made my day! Thank you so much for not only offering such a wonderful giveaway, but also for choosing me as the very lucky winner. I am beyond excited to try Curel Hydra Therapy!”
We chose Cindy because she had the most compelling story, typing, “Ending dry skin would mean I could finally relax and stop obsessing over the itching. Some days it feels like my shins are on fire because I have scratched and rubbed them so much. I would love to win this giveaway for myself, and a relative. We have both suffered with dry skin and eczema our entire lives. Mine actually got worse after taking Accutane to clear up my acne. Weird, I know. Who would have thought you could have dry skin AND acne?! Many thanks to you and Curel for offering such a wonderful giveaway. “
Well, Cindy, I know you’ll enjoy!
And if you didn’t win, don’t fret! You can get a bottle Curel Hydra Therapy anytime here.
I have partnered with Curél to share how I break the rules of dry skin. Please visit Curel.com to learn more about Curél Hydra Therapy and how you can end dry skin for good.
Check out my experience with Curel in the video below: