Confession: I’m completely obsessed with Justine Skye’s purple hair! It totally suits her and her modern take on the fishtail braid at the VMAs on Sunday was utterly fabulous and fun. Derick Monroe took the beauty reins and did not disappoint:

Here are the steps to recreate Justine’s hair for the occasion:
To prep, Derick combed Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Length Retention Nice & Neat Braiding Custard through Justine’s hair—it kept it neat, moisturized, and provided a light hold. He then brushed all of Justine’s hair backwards.
Next, gathering a chunk of hair at the top of Justine’s head, Derick separated it into two halves.
Derick then began the fishtail by taking a few strands from the left section. Next, he crossed it over and tucked it under the right section, so that it is now being held in his right hand. He then did the same for the opposite side, adding additional hair as he crossed over.
He repeated the steps until all hair was pulled in and finished with a regular fishtail braid.
Derick continued the fishtail and secured the braid with a hair tie at the ends.

To finish, Derick used Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Length Retention Tame and Strengthen Edge Saver to smooth the hair around the hairline.
Will you be trying out Justine’s braid?