Gallery: Fashion Bomb Daily x Dark and Lovely’s #LoveMyColor Reader Submissions

love my color dark and lovely claire sulmers fashion bomb daily
@Joeyy described her color as Eccentric!

So a few days ago, I announced that I’m an ambassador for Dark and Lovely’s #LoveMyColor campaign!

The campaign, which centers around Dark and Lovely’s Fade Resist Rich Conditioning Color, is a celebration of the all the hues and shades of black women, from their hair colors to their skin tones and beyond.
I asked some you fly Bombshells to visit, upload a picture of all your fabulosity for a potential feature on Instagram, and a shout out here on the site!
Take a look at a few standouts:

@Joeyy_ described her color as Eccentric!

The ladies of @BestiesandBrunch described their color as Melanin. Hot!
@LoveVernon2000 described her color as Sisterhood
@TheBlondeMisfit is Bodaciously Blonde!
@TheJasmineMonroe's gorgeous eyes are definitely mesmerizing

The ladies from @BestiesandBrunch got in formation, dubbing their color, Melanin.

@LVernon2000 and her sister showed what this campaign was all about, rocking tons of bright colors, from their accessories to their printed headwraps.

Staff writer Jamé Jackson aka @TheBlondeMisfit joined in on the fun, dubbing her color Bodaciously Blonde!

@TheVirtuousStyle says her color is God's Creation

@TheJasmineMonroe‘s gorgeous eyes are definitely mesmerizing.

@TheVirtuousStyle described her color as ‘God’s Creation,‘ writing, “For I am created in His image… beautiful, bold, lovely, smooth and graceful.” Yes!

@TheMixedMannequin's curly coif is certainly Powerful!
@ModernDayConfidence says her color is confident. Boom!

@TheMixedMannequin‘s curly coif is certainly Powerful!

@ModernDayConfidence flashed a red pout, saying her color is Confident.

@ILoveAlimara is Naturally Beautiful
@Ferd.p flashed a red mane, describing her color as seductive

Naturally Beautiful @IloveAlimara wrote, “I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with my dirty brown hair that changes color with the seasons. But I’ve come to know that it is naturally beautiful (and ready to be colored again lol).”

@Ferd.P flaunted a red short cut, writing, “My color is…[Seductive]” Campaign by @official_darkandlovely Celebrating my color! Not only my hair color. Let the message be bigger then the hair ladies! #WeAreDarkAndLovely ✊”

@EdwinaLaShan posed with her mom in bright lipstick and citrusy tops

@EdwinaLaShan posed with her mom in bright lipstick and citrusy tops. Fierce!

@Maryam_Adebisi actually won a prize pack on day one with her Magnificent flick.

@Maryam_Adebisi actually won a prize pack on day one of the contest, thanks to her Magnificent flick.

@TheLovely_Ck was lovely in her mysterious flick

@TheLovely_Ck was lovely in her mysterious flick.

@KacieBabie showed off leather pants, Louboutins, and a bossy lean
@DaBklynBoogie pierced her picture with her vibrant beam

@KacieBabie showed off leather pants, Louboutins, and a bossy lean.

Lastly, @DaBklynBoogie pierced her picture with her vibrant beam.
You guys are hot!!
See even more fab flicks in the gallery above.
We’ll be announcing the winner of our second Dark and Lovely prize pack later this afternoon.
Who had your favorite pic?