Hey everyone! We’re starting off our Bombshell week with a Southern gal who knows all about that heat! Let’s welcome Ryanne from Houston, TX:She says, “My name is Ryanne (pronounced Ryan) Thomas.”
“By day I am an insurance adjuster and by night I am a fashion blogger for tattooedvintage.com.”
“I would describe my style as “dress up”. “
“I am always one step away from being in a costume.”
“Every morning when I get dressed I feel like a kid in a candy store!”Check out a few more photos she sent along:
Cute Ryanne! There’s absolutely nothing wrong with getting close to a costume. Some say less is more, but sometimes more is more, and that’s alright! Cute. Well, if you guys want to stay up on Ryanne’s whereabouts, check her out IG: @tattooedvintage. So, what do you think of her style?
Fashion Bombshell of the Day is a feature showcasing the singular style of Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and 5-10 clear, unfiltered, head-to-toe pictures of 5-10 different outfits (no collages) to Bombshell@FashionBombDaily.com. Images submitted will be featured on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any of our social media platforms. Comments can be harsh, so bring your A game! Please be advised: once published, pictures will not be removed or taken down.