While many of us woo’ed over some of the outstanding high-fashion looks that came down the red carpet for the Kids Choice Awards on Saturday, others, well, had a bone to pick with style stars such as Zendaya.
Now we all know this isn’t the first time Zendaya has been hit with public scrutiny over her appearance (*cough remember her locs?); however, this time seemed to escalate way out of hand at the tweeting disparage of Actress Julie Klausner, who took to her Twitter to say this about the child star and the apparent disgust she has for Zendaya’s body weight:
As we’ve seen before, Zendaya is no stranger to the game nor apprehensive when standing up for herself against the bullying and commentary of others. The next morning, Zendaya took to her Twitter to respond to Klausner’s claims, saying:
However, the story did not end there although Zendaya’s response was, in all fairness, appropriate and respectful. Unfortunately, Klausner felt the need to continue the twitter feud, then responding to the slew of Zendaya’s twitter fans who began accusing her of body shaming. Klausner’s response? She “will never stop criticizing celebs who perpetuate dangerous beauty standards.“
Klausner continued her twitter rant, going on to remark on Zendaya’s career and her irrelevance to society, all the while continuing to poke fun of Zendaya’s body size in quite childish fashion:
Now, ladies and gentlemen, here’s where things spiraled out of control. Aside from Klausner going on a huge rant concerning Zendaya’s inappropriate body weight, she closed out her tweets with this one lingering idea:
Where the antisemitic claims came into play, we’re not quite sure. Whether joking or not, throwing out a declaration of someone’s intolerance for another demographic is never funny, cute, and clearly shows how insensitive and low Klausner was willing to take the conversation. Plus, how could she have tweeted that all women are beautiful when she had just attacked Zendaya for her body size, which to me, looks fine and appropriate for a young lady as tall as she is.
What do you think of Klausner’s rant on Zendaya’s body weight? What about the antisemitic claims she just threw out there for good measure? What is the solution to building women and each other up (during women’s history month, no less!) when situations like this happen? What should Zendaya’s next response be (if anything at all?)