I’m trying to feature more of our International Bombshells! Thus, I bring you Laetitia from Paris:
She says, “I starting this blog 3 years ago, blogging for me feels real, like something I need to do to express myself and share what I like and my opinion.”
“I am a huge fan of fashion bomb shell, you have your own way of promoting fashion and I love that, I am always looking for inspiration when I need one in you Instagram account.”
” It is full of great style and incredible bloggers.”
“I would love to be featured and become the fashion Bombshell of the day because I already feel like a Fashion Bombshell.”
“I would describe my personal style as something classy-chic and casual.”
” I like to be confortable in my clothes, that why I mix classy thing with casual one or even when casual try to bring something sophisticated to the outfit.”
“Here my pictures – the last one is kind of funny because I believe fashion need a touch of craziness from time to time.”
Agreed! Your style is very French–simple and chic!
Follow Laetitia’s blog at www.laetuesway.com and on the Gram @laetuesway.
What do you think? Is Laetitia a Bombshell?
Fashion Bombshell of the Day is a feature showcasing the singular style of Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and 6-8 clear, unfiltered, head-to-toe pictures of 5-10 different outfits (no collages) to thefashionbomb@gmail.com. Images submitted will be featured on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any of our social media platforms. Comments can be harsh, so bring your A game! Please be advised: once published, pictures will not be removed or taken down.