Bomb Product of the Day: Melody Ehsani x Reebok Gradient Sneakers

Melody Ehsani x Reebok Gradient Classic Leather_3
Melody Ehsani x Reebok Gradient Classic Leather_5
Melody Ehsani x Reebok Gradient Classic Leather_6
Melody Ehsani x Reebok Gradient Classic Leather_2

Melody Ehsani has teamed with Reebok yet again for a limited edition gradient sneaker.

The hot kicks will be globally released on Friday, June 19th online at and in Melody’s retail store in LA.

The shoes boast brick colored soles and come standard with 2 different lace colors: black and print.

I love a good Melody Ehsani sneaker, so you already know I’ll be wearing these! How about you?

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