I was gonna let this be a Bomb Life exclusive, but figured…why not show you guys a bit of my casual weekend style?
So, when I get something new, I get really excited, and tend to wear it to death…! Such is the case for my ‘birthday’ top, aka 3.1 Phillip Lim’s Sono Mama Embellished Tee:
While I dressed it up with a Topshop metallic skirt for my bday, I toned it down for an afternoon of shopping and brunching in the city with a pair of light washed jeans from Zara and my Topshop check coat.
I tend to go easy on the makeup if I’m not going to an ‘event.’ You have to let your pores breathe! A great way to ‘fake’ a makeup look: swipe on a flattering shade of lipstick (in this case, I’m wearing my Makeup Forever Rouge Artist Natural N5 + gloss), and pop on some shades.
This is one way I re-used and recycled a stand out item, taking it from dressy to casual. It’s perfectly fine to wear an item as many times as you like, but I always challenge myself to try to wear it in a different way.
Send me pix of how you remixed a stand out item for inclusion in our next How Do You Wear It? Feature. Send your pix to thebomblife@gmail.com.
Photos by Karl Pierre