Today’s Bombshell is Nigerian born Baltimore resident Karima:
She writes, “You featured me as a fashion bombshell a little over a year ago.”
“I am writing to be featured once again.”
“... I would like to show your readers how my blog and style has matured from my last time being featured, now that I am in my early 20s.”

“I created No Dress Code (www.dresscodezero.blogspot.com) to blog about fashion, hair, and how I incorporate both in my everyday life.”
“… My style has not changed since my last feature but instead it is a more refined version.”
” I would describe my style as mix between classic and contemporary.”
” I believe in minimalism.”
” ‘When in doubt, less is more…’ that’s my motto…”
” I apply that to fashion as well.”
I love your motto–sometimes the most simple, refined looks have the most impact. And I definitely see an evolution since your first feature (see it here). Great looks!
What do you think?
Fashion Bombshell of the Day is a feature showcasing the singular style of Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and 6-8 picture(s) to thefashionbomb@gmail.com. Images submitted may be featured on Facebook or Twitter. Comments can be harsh, so bring your A game!